deep kalra

4 questions à Deep Kalra, PDG de MakeMyTrip

4 questions à Deep Kalra, PDG de MakeMyTrip

February 14, 2019

La société MakeMyTrip, leader indien sur le marché des voyages en ligne, a permis la plantation d’un million d’arbres dans les districts de Rajsamand et d’Udaipur au Rajasthan afin de promouvoir un tourisme responsable, grâce à la fondation MakeMyTrip. L’initiative a...

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MakeMyTrip and Ibibo Merger

MakeMyTrip and Ibibo Merger

October 19, 2016

As Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs turn match-makers in the marriage of MakeMyTrip Limited and Ibibo, two of India’s largest travel booking portals, consumers receives the news with joy and gladness. The trend set by increasing number of mergers in the global travel industry m...

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