ozone layer

Funding developing countries to seal ozone hole

Funding developing countries to seal ozone hole

September 7, 2022

Ever wondered whatever happened to the Ozone Hole? Not many would be able to even figure out the question, let alone answer it correctly. But little wonder about it since over 60 pc of the world’s population today is born not just after the discovery of the Ozone Hole, but afte...

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Elephant in the conference room at COP26 in Glasgow

Elephant in the conference room at COP26 in Glasgow

September 28, 2021

During the Ice Age, elephants roamed freely around northern Europe. They became extinct several thousand years back. Since then, especially during the Roman and British Empires, elephants were imported or gifted from other regions like Asia and Africa. In 21st century right in Gl...

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On World Ozone Day 2020, relearning forgotten lessons from past global success for COVID19

On World Ozone Day 2020, relearning forgotten lessons from past global success for COVID19

September 15, 2020

It was the decade of 1970s. A dozen men had already landed on the moon. There was an exhilarating mood all around, mainly in the developed countries. ‘‘Sky is not the limit,’’ scientists and technocrats would often boast. The doors of the universe could be commanded from ...

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United Nations claim that Montreal Protocol can solve the ozone conundrum

United Nations claim that Montreal Protocol can solve the ozone conundrum

November 14, 2018

The United Nations announced that the Montreal Protocol would eradicate the ozone depletion problem on a long term basis. However, following the Protocol would have to be mandatory by all the participant nations for it to work effectively.

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