
Messages of mandalas

Messages of mandalas

June 25, 2019

After days of working on it, when a mandala is finally ready, it is destroyed by the Buddhist monks who make it. An ancient artform, it is now being given modern edges and is also being used for meditation.

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India and its folk music

India and its folk music

June 20, 2019

Every year June 21 is celebrated worldwide as World Music Day to mark the impact of music in our lives. The celebration of the day began with the inception of the Fête de la Musique in France in 1982. It was introduced to celebrate music through street performances and free conc...

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Splashing the colours of medieval Delhi’s spring on canvas

Splashing the colours of medieval Delhi’s spring...

June 13, 2019

An ongoing art exhibition in Delhi has put on display a collection of paintings recreating the hues of spring in medieval Delhi. The artwork takes one back to the cultural vibrancy of Shahjahanabad, as Delhi was called at that time.

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Giving the much-loved momos innovative edges

Giving the much-loved momos innovative edges

June 11, 2019

A popular street snack in Delhi, momos or dumplings are now being experimented with in fancy kitchens as well as the street kiosks, where chefs are stuffing them with ingredients such as coconut, vodka, chocolate, and even chaat! The tangy flavour of Gujarati sriracha sauce and c...

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Art for all in Lodhi’s Delhi

Art for all in Lodhi’s Delhi

June 6, 2019

Decipher social messages and celebrate freedom and culture as you wander about in the Lodhi art district, a one-of-its-kind art sphere in India. As one goes driving or walking around Lodhi colony, a residential area in Delhi built by the British, an art fiesta unfolds. Tall walls...

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A talk on Gandhi and Rolland

A talk on Gandhi and Rolland

May 31, 2019

Nobel laureate Romain Rolland, a French writer was one of the foremost European popularisers of Gandhi and even wrote his biography.

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Ramadan celebrations at Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia Dargah

Ramadan celebrations at Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia Da...

May 27, 2019

As the ninth month of the Islamic calendar sets in, Muslims around the world celebrate Ramadan, the month when the Qur'an (holy book of Muslims) was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

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La vague hip-hop déferle sur l’Inde

La vague hip-hop déferle sur l’Inde

May 20, 2019

Depuis quelques années, le mouvement, qui était jusqu’alors confiné à l’underground, sort de l’ombre. Aux quatre coins du pays, des talents s’emparent du rap et enchaînent les tubes, légers ou incisifs, outrageux ou revendicatifs pour dénoncer les inégalités soci...

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Indian artists at Venice Biennale 2019

Indian artists at Venice Biennale 2019

May 16, 2019

India is back at the Venice Biennale with its second-ever pavilion after a hiatus of eight years and also has three artists participating in the main exhibition.

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India Moves to HIP-HOP

India Moves to HIP-HOP

May 14, 2019

After years of remaining underground, hip-hop has finally emerged from the shadows and talented young artists use the music to denounce social inequalities, injustices, and conservatism in the Indian society. It was a bold bet but filmmaker Zoya Akhtar took it and won it. The dir...

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