Christine Nayagam
Christine Nayagam is a Franco-Indian writer and the author of several books on South Asia. She specialises on Business, Economy, Political, Geopolitical and Social issues. An avid traveller she also writes about Tourism and Art & Culture.

L’Inde à la 136ème place du classement mondial de la liberté de la presse
May 6, 2017
Reporters sans frontières (RSF) a noté un recul de la liberté de la presse en Inde, tout comme un rapport de l’Human Rights Watch (HRW) qui pointe du doigt l’inaction du gouvernement en matière de violence et souligne les multiples menaces contre la liberté renco...
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Couleurs de l’Inde n°8 – Avril 2017
April 26, 2017
Venez découvrir l’Inde dans le numéro d’avril de notre magazine vidéo mensuel : « Couleurs de l’Inde ». Nous commencons notre périple par une ballade dans le plus vieux tramway électrique en Inde, à Kolkata. Nous descendons ensuite dans le Sud à Goa, pour célébre...
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April 11, 2017
Finland, with its thousands of lakes and forests, is a country that boasts of being among those with world’s cleanest air, and of landscapes second to none. From admiring the Northern Lights, to experiencing peace in the countryside and its cottage life, or even wishing to pay ...
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A Video Report on Taiwan Lantern Festival
February 22, 2017
The Taiwan Lantern Festival is a Buddhist tradition coming from mainland China and celebrated in continuation of the Chinese New Year celebrated in the month of January.
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Taiwan celebrates Lantern Festival 2017
February 10, 2017
Millions of lanterns will light up the night sky of Taiwan on February 11 to observe the Lantern Festival, marking the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar.
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Indian travellers discover Portugal
February 5, 2017
Portugal is a southwestern European country situated on the Iberian peninsula facing the Atlantic Ocean. It has a great tourism offer that ranges from adventure, nature, spirituality, culture and beach tourism.
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