Food safety progress
Finally India has banned potassium bromate, the food additive used in bread and bakery which was found to cause cancer in a study by a leading NGO Centre for Science and Environment.
The ban order came from food safety regulator- Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) on Monday.
It also banned Cyclamates normally used in jams, jellies, marmalades, dairy based drinks, confectionary etc from list of permissible additives.
According a statement issued by the FSSAI Potassium Bromate and Cyclamates are not allowed in any food category in the country.
A study by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) found that 84 per cent of 38 commonly available brands of pre-packaged bread tested positive for potassium bromate and potassium iodate banned in many countries and listed as hazardous for public health.
Potassium bromate typically increases dough strength, leads to higher rising and uniform finish to baked products while Potassium Iodate is a flour treatment agent.
The CSE had urged FSSAI to ban the use of potassium bromate and potassium iodate and prevent their routine exposure to Indian population. After the CSE study, a bread manufacturers’ body said they would stop using the controversial potassium bromate and potassium iodate as additive.
FSSAI operationalised the final list of 11,000 food additives provisions that can be used by food businesses in various food categories.
A list of food additives with respect to alcoholic beverages in alignment with International Organization for Vine and Wine (OIV) standards has also been finalised.