Jal Mahotsav – experience the diverse facets of Madhya Pradesh


January 2, 2017

/ By and / Hanuwantiya

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To boost the footfall of both inbound and outbound tourists in the state, the Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board organised the Jal Mahotsav (water festival), amidst the gleaming waves of Narmada River in Hanuwantiya, from December 15, 2016 to January 15, 2017. The festival has much to offer to people of all ages and tastes; from hot air balloon rides, paragliding, cycling and early morning yoga sessions, to various water sports like parasailing, motor boat rides and house boat experiences, among other cultural attractions like traditional music and dance performances by the locally trained dance troupes. The visitors are lodged in comfortable and luxury tents on the banks of the river, giving them a feel of camping. To keep the children engaged, the festival has dedicated two kids’ zones. Sprawled over an immense property, the festival arranged for interesting means of commuting for the visitors; from electric cars to bullock carts, cycles and camel rides. From the shopping arcade, one can also take home the locally made artefacts like the terracotta products, ethnic attires or even paintings made by local artists. Whether you are a water sports enthusiast, nature lover, Indian culture connoisseur, a shopaholic or a fitness freak, the festival will impress you through and through.

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