Get ready to bulk up: Superfoods to help gain weight

Discover Top 10 Superfoods for healthy weight gain


March 26, 2023

/ By / New Delhi

Get ready to bulk up: Superfoods to help gain weight

Nutritionally dense superfoods that boost energy levels and support muscle growth

Weight gain can be a challenge for naturally thin individuals due to various factors, such as genetics and metabolism. To help with this, incorporating nutrient-rich superfoods can aid in healthy weight gain. Here are top 10 superfoods packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats to support muscle growth and boost energy levels. One can achieve weight gain goals in a healthy way with these delicious superfoods.

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Gaining weight can be a challenge for naturally thin individuals due to various factors, including genetics and metabolism. While weight training and increased food intake can help to a limited extent, consuming nutrient-rich foods is key to healthy weight gain. To enhance muscle growth and promote weight gain, aim for meals that are high in protein and healthy fats.

To achieve weight gain, a human needs to consume more calories than the body uses. For slow and healthy weight gain, one can aim for a calorie surplus of 300-500 more than the daily requirement. And it should be in relation to the weight gain target. For those wanting to gain 500 gm a week or 2 kg in a month, one must consume a surplus of 500 calories a day above what is burnt through daily activities. Slow weight gain is a highly recommended as gaining weight rapidly can be unhealthy and difficult to maintain.

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of nutrient-rich foods is key to achieving these goals. With patience and consistency, one can reach the desired weight and muscle mass.

Here is the list of the top 10 superfoods to gain weight:



(1) Eggs: Eggs are loaded with protein, fats, and vitamins, making them one of the easiest ways to gain healthy weight. One boiled egg contains 74 Kcal, 6.3 gm protein, 3.7 gm fat, 1.6 gm saturated fat, 18 microgram folate, and 1.89 microgram Vitamin D.


(2) Chickpeas: For vegetarians and vegans, chickpeas are a great source of carbs to aid weight gain. One can replace rice with chickpeas for an added benefit. Every 100 gm of chickpeas contains 364 calories, 19 gm protein, 6 gm fat, 61 gm carbohydrates, and 875 mg potassium.



(3) Peanuts: Adding peanuts or peanut butter to regular diet is helpful to increase muscle and body mass. One can add it to various dishes like sandwiches, vegetables, hot cereals, fruits, or simply have a teaspoon of it after meals. 100 gm of Peanuts contains 567 calories, 25.8 gm protein, 49.2 gm fat, 16.1 gm carbohydrates, and 4.7 gm sugar.



(4) Rice: Rice is a convenient and low-cost carb source to help gain weight. All grains contain carbohydrates, and 100 gm of rice contains 242 calories, 2.7 gm protein, 0.3 gm fat, 28 gm carbs, and 0.1 gm sugar.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato

(5) Sweet potato: Sweet potato is a popular food for weight gain and muscle building. It is a good source of complex carbs, which are more nutritious than simple carbs. A 4-year study showed that potato intake increases weight gain. A sweet potato contains 94 calories, 3.1 gm protein, 0.1 gm fat, 26 gm carbohydrates, and 0.5 gm sugar.



(6) Milkshakes: Any kind of milkshake can also help gain weight in the form of muscle mass. Mass gainers of any brand will give rapid results because of the combination of high calories. One glass of milkshake contains 389 calories, 9 gm protein, 4.3 gm fat, 30 gm carbohydrates, and 9.63 gm sugar.



(7) Cheese: Cheese is a combination of fat and protein, making it a superfood for weight gain. It’s important to consider the type of cheese and portion size as eating too much cheese can lead to excess weight gain and obesity. Eating cheese in moderation is recommended, and no more than 2 slices of cheese per day. 100 gm of cheese contains 350 calories, 22 gm protein, 26 gm fat, 4.1 gm carbohydrates, and 3.5 gm sugar.



(8) Meat: Red meat is high in protein and fat, making it helpful for building muscle mass and promoting weight gain. Seafood is also high in protein and healthy fats. 100 gm of mutton or lamb contains 169 calories, 25 gm protein, 16 gm fat, and 36 gm carbs.



(9) Avocado: Avocados are a great source of healthy fats and can help increase calorie intake. Single Avocado contain 160 calories, 2 gm protein, 15 gm fat, 9 gm carbohydrates, and 0.7 gm sugar.



(10) Chocolate: Chocolate is not only delicious but also contains antioxidants and can improve brain function. It is high in calories, with a 100-gram bar containing around 600 calories, 7 gm protein, 43 gm fat, and 50 gm carbohydrates. It is important to consume chocolate in moderation due to its high sugar content.



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