Surviving the heat: Daily struggle of Delhi’s rickshaw pullers

E-rickshaws adding fuel to the fire of financial strain


June 12, 2024

/ By / New Delhi

Surviving the heat: Daily struggle of Delhi’s rickshaw pullers

The heat not only affects the health of the rickshaw pullers, but their earnings and quality of life as well

Under Delhi’s blistering heat waves, that have become more intense and frequent over the years, rickshaw pullers battle severe health risks and financial strain, yet displaying incredible survival skills and resilience amidst gruelling conditions.

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In the bustling streets of Delhi, rickshaw pullers are a vital part of the urban transportation system. Yet, these hardworking individuals often endure gruelling conditions, especially during periods of extreme heat.

As the scorching heat of Delhi’s summers beats down relentlessly, rickshaw pullers find themselves in an increasingly dire situation. They are exposed to the sun for extended periods, which  lead them to face severe health issues.

“Pulling a rickshaw in this heat feels like I am pulling the weight of the sun itself. Yet, I have no other option. I have to feed my family, and without a son to share the burden, the responsibility falls on me to provide for my daughters and wife. Each day under the scorching sun, my health deteriorates a little more. The relentless heat is unforgiving, draining my strength and making every journey feel like an uphill battle,” Vikram Kumar, 58, a rickshaw puller from Buxar in Bihar, tells Media India Group.

“Sometimes, I feel dizzy and dehydrated, but I can’t afford to stop. The pressure to earn and support my family outweighs the need to rest. As the temperatures rise, the challenge becomes almost unbearable, but I push through because I have no choice. The sun might be my adversary, but the needs of my family are my driving force, compelling me to endure despite the toll it takes on my body,” adds Kumar.

The rise of e-rickshaws has posed a new challenge for rickshaw pullers

The rise of e-rickshaws has posed a new challenge for rickshaw pullers

For the rickshaw pullers, the rise of e-rickshaws has posed a new challenge, exacerbating their already difficult circumstances. With passengers opting for the convenience and speed of e-rickshaws over traditional rickshaws, the livelihoods of these hardworking individuals hang in the balance. Reduced earnings, longer waits for customers, and a sense of displacement have become the harsh realities they must confront. For them, the heat waves were just the beginning of their hardships; now, the competition from e-rickshaws threatens to push them further to the margins of society.

“We know what the actual heat waves are like, spending all day roaming here and there in search of passengers under the blazing sun. Nowadays, nobody wants to travel by rickshaw because everyone seeks comfort. The advent of e-rickshaws has made our lives miserable. We hardly get any customers now because people prefer the faster, more comfortable e-rickshaws. Earlier, it used to be just the heat that we struggled with, but now the e-rickshaws are making our lives even harder. The time it takes for us to get passengers to their destinations is longer, and in this heat, every extra minute feels like a burden. Our earnings have plummeted, and it feels like we are being pushed out of the very streets we have worked on for years,” Vishnu Singh, a 34-year-old rickshaw puller from South Delhi, tells Media India Group.

Each day is a battle against the elements for the rickshaw pullers as they tirelessly navigate the city streets in search of passengers. However, their struggle does not end with the heat.

“Renting this rickshaw adds another layer of stress to our already difficult lives. We shell out INR 1,000-1,500 every month, a hefty sum that becomes even harder to manage during the scorching summer months. With fewer passengers opting for traditional rickshaws and instead choosing the more comfortable e-rickshaws, our earnings plummet even further,” Mohammad Ali, 46, a rickshaw puller from Shaheen Bagh in Delhi, tells Media India Group.

The brutal realities faced by rickshaw pullers are starkly evident in the personal accounts of those who endure them daily. For many, the combination of oppressive heat, dwindling earnings, and intense physical labour forms a harsh backdrop to their lives. Their narratives reveal a relentless struggle to provide for their families, often at the cost of their own health and well-being.

“I have been in this line for over a decade now, but these days, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make ends meet. On a good day, I earn INR 200 to 300 and sometimes, I barely manage to scrape together 100 or 150 rupees. The scorching heat has taken its toll on me. There have been times when I have blacked out due to the heat, and my migraines have become unbearable. The sun has even burned my skin, leaving painful reminders of each day’s struggle,” Ramesh Kumar, 65, a rickshaw puller from Aurangabad in Bihar, tells Media India Group.

“But what choice do I have? I have a family to support and this rickshaw is our only source of income. I cannot afford to take a day off, no matter how bad I feel. The thought of my family’s needs keeps me going, even when my body protests. I wish things were different, that I could find relief from this relentless heat and the financial strain it brings. But until then, I will continue to brave the streets, my only solace being the hope that someday, things will get better for us,” he adds.

The working conditions of rickshaw pullers exacerbate the impact of extreme heat. With long hours on the road and minimal access to shade or rest, their bodies are constantly under stress.

“We don’t have the luxury of taking breaks in air-conditioned rooms. Our work is physically demanding and the heat makes it even more exhausting. Sometimes, I have to stop and rest in this heat, just to catch my breath,” Rakesh Singh, another rickshaw puller from Lajpat Nagar in Delhi, tells Media India Group.

Each day is a battle against the elements for the rickshaw pullers as they tirelessly navigate the city streets in search of passengers

Each day is a battle against the elements for the rickshaw pullers as they tirelessly navigate the city streets in search of passengers

The heat not only affects the health of the rickshaw pullers, but their earnings and quality of life as well.

“When it is too hot, people prefer other modes of transport, which means fewer customers for us and sometimes we don’t get any costumer at all and no customers mean no income, but we still have to pay for our daily needs and the rent for the rickshaw,” Ganesh Sharma, a rickshaw puller from Jasola Vihar in South Delhi, tells Media India Group.

Medical professionals stress the importance of preventive measures and awareness.

“Rickshaw pullers should be educated about the signs of heat-related illnesses and the importance of staying hydrated. Simple measures like wearing light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing and taking regular breaks in the shade can make a significant difference,” Dr Anil Gupta, General Physician at Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences and Hospital  tells Media India Group.

“Prolonged exposure to extreme heat can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke, both of which are life-threatening if not addressed promptly. Dehydration is another major concern, as it can cause kidney problems and other complications,” he adds.

Despite the relentless challenges of extreme heat and increasing competition, Delhi’s rickshaw pullers continue to demonstrate unwavering perseverance.



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