NGO Series: The Rising People Welfare Society

Supporting and educating the underprivileged


January 3, 2017

/ By / New Delhi

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While the government is unable to fulfil the requirements the marginalised population, there are many others like TRPWS who are volunteering to help improve their educational level

While the government is unable to fulfil the requirements the marginalised population, there are many others like TRPWS who are volunteering to help improve their educational level. Picture credits: The Rising People Welfare Society (TRPWS).

In an effort to contribute to the society, a movement by young people taking ownership of the institutionalised children in the community led to the formation of ‘The Rising People Welfare Society’, an NGO in New Delhi that helps provide education and healthcare to Delhi’s marginalised people, especially the kids.

Indigent little children studying, painting and crafting is what captures the eyes when you enter a small park in west Delhi.

The place is filled with overjoyed, underprivileged children and shows a sight that people won’t see in any other play park in the country. “Spending every weekend with them takes away all my tiredness. Sketching and studying with them is fun,” says Srishti Kataria, a student of the Amity University, Delhi NCR, who is also a volunteer at The Rising People Welfare Society.

Started in 2012, The Rising People Welfare Society (TRPWS) is a Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) in New Delhi that aims to empower children living in orphanages and street shelters to discover their true strengths and unleash their full potential.

Rahul Kumar Verma, a secondary class student, has a deep-seated desire to become a cricketer and a major part of this change can be attributed to TRPWS. He first came to know about the organisation in April last year through a friend and since his first visit, he has been a regular visitor there. Earlier, he used to fritter away his Sunday mornings. But, upon realising the constructive change in him after studying and engaging in other activities like dancing and sports, the efforts of the team act as an enticer for many children like him.

The basic motto of the NGO is social service, and besides the main motto, the primary idea of this formation is to help each and every human being who needs help.

The NGO is making a change by trying to educate the kids in Tilak Nagar area in New Delhi. The volunteers encourage children to adopt better lifestyle choices and uplift themselves to break the shackles that are the setbacks created by an oppressive society and show them that the world can be viewed as a place where dreams are to be pursued and never thwarted so that they could hope to see themselves in a better position in future.

The organisation focuses on the enhancement of educational and inter-personal skills of underprivileged children living in slums under poor conditions. The interns and volunteers working in the NGO are from different working and educational fields so that the children can get exposed to a wider spectrum of knowledge and explore more about the surroundings.

Every Friday and Sunday, the interns and volunteers gather along with the slum kids to make them understand the value of education and why they should pursue it.

The students are provided not only theories and pen-paper knowledge but are also briefed on how they should never stop dreaming big and can come out of the poverty zone if they study. They are also informed about the importance of self-respect, honesty, friendship and sharing, so that they do not engage themselves in wrong activities and become socially responsible towards their peers and the society as a whole.

Generating ideas and participating in personality development activities, educational trips, plantation drives, fund raising through promotions and exhibiting masterpieces by the little artists, are some of the activities that are carried off every weekend.

The students are not taught only via the regular chalk and board teaching sessions, but are also engaged in activities like poster making on environment issues, dance and music sessions, sketching and painting, traditional craftwork and interactive games, because the organisation believes that children absorb more when they are indulged in practical things rather than just from the textbooks.

While the government is not able to fulfil the requirements of this huge marginalised population, there are many others like TRPWS who are volunteering to help improve their educational level and eliminate any form of discrimination. And, we shall introduce you to another one next week.

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