
Lauki ki sabzi
July 11, 2016
Un petit plat végétarien que les hindous préparent pendant des périodes de jeûne Apolina Fos rejoint la rubrique « Cuisine » d’ INDES magazine pour nous faire découvrir les secrets de la cuisine indienne régionale, mais aussi la cuisine ayurvédique (qui suit certaines...
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Summers in India
April 17, 2016
With mercury rising with every passing day and global warming adding to the heat each year, here are some Indian drinks that not only keep one from dehydration but also are great for taste buds. The world fears yet another hot summer as the temperature rises every year, thanks to...
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KARIM’S: Old taste and quality is maintained
March 4, 2016
Serving non-vegetarian food since 1913, Karim’s boasts to be Delhi’s best restaurant, when it comes to Mughai cuisine. The reason being the same old taste, the quality which is still maintained, which has created a brand value, says the directors. Started with one restaurant ...
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Ven Pongal
January 15, 2016
This dish from South India is not only rich in nutrients but also makes for a perfect offering to please the God during certain Indian festivals. Makar Sankranti, a Hindu festival, is celebrated across India on either of the three days every year – January 14, 15 or 16 dependin...
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January 8, 2016
Apart from its rich culture, Ahmedabad, in the Indian State of Gujarat, also boasts of its cuisine. A day spent here reveals the love for food among people and how this has resulted into formations of interesting food pockets in the city. One of the few things that both amazed an...
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Hara masala murgh
January 1, 2016
Un plat fin et subtil de poulet masala, autrefois dégusté par les souverains de l’ancien royaume d’Hyderabad, dans le Sud de l’Inde, et remis au goût du jour par le célèbre Chef indien Harpal Singh Sokhi. J’ai découvert cette recette avec mon ami, le Chef indien Har...
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From Delhi to Chandigarh
January 1, 2016
Neither a wanderer’s delight nor a tourist attraction, the roadside eateries are respite for travellers. The busy Delhi-Chandigarh highway in north India, dotted with such places, offers authentic food with earthy hospitality. A plate of wonders piled high with fat, freshly coo...
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